On the Brink of the Impossible
Fernanda Takai is a renowned Brazilian singer of Japanese descent. The graphic design project for her live concert Na Medida do Impossível (On the Brink of the Impossible) centers on the visual identity of the album—a narrative about a heroine infused with fantasy elements inspired by her roots. The visuals play with scale and collage techniques as a nod to Japanese movie posters. For this live album, the setting shifts from a cold scenery (the studio album cover) to a tropical environment: Inhotim, a botanical garden and contemporary art museum in Southeast Brazil, which was chosen by Takai as the venue for her performance.

Design Studio: Hardy Design | Creative Directors: Mariana Hardy, André Coelho
Designer: Fernando Dias | Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Award nomination: 2017 Latin Grammy Award (Best Recording Package)